Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu High Point
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu * Kickboxing * Martial Arts * Self-Defense * Fitness
High Point, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Archdale, Kernersville NC
Our instructors are focused on helping students improve and obtain goals. We have been working with students, in the area, for 25+ years and assisted hundreds to make changes in their lives.

Steve Snyder
Steve Snyder is an extremely accomplished martial artist. He is known and respected worldwide amongst many of the legends within TaeKwonDo, Kickboxing, and Brazilian JiuJitsu. Snyder uses these resources and accomplishments to bring the best teaching principles to students within the academy. His focus is primarily driven towards guiding student’s training and helping them achieve personal goals.
Steve Snyder is highly involved with the community through his continual work with Special Olympics, Family Justice Center, Salvation Army, and Relay for Life; to name a few. He regularly performs motivational speaking at schools, businesses, and community organizations. Snyder is also a Defensive Tactics Instructor for the High Point Police Department, in addition to working with other local, state, and federal agencies.
Steve Snyder is co-owner (with his wife) and the Chief Instructor at the academy. He obtained his advanced education from the University of North Carolina - Greensboro and is a U.S. Naval Submarine Veteran. Outside the martial arts, Steve Snyder most enjoys spending time with his wife and two children.
Specific Accomplishments:
- High Point Police Defensive Tactics Instructor Team
- Adjunct Professor at High Point University (HPU)
- High Point University BJJ Club Coach & Kickboxing Club Coach.
- High Point Police Department Citizens Academy Alumni Association
- Member of the High Point Chamber of Commerce.
- 2023 RMNU Academy of Year
- 2014 awarded Honorary Colonel rank by the High Point Police Chief, Marty Sumner
- 2013 "Instructor of the Year" (Joe Lewis Fighting Systems)
- 2008 "Pound for Pound Fight Trainer of Year" (presented by Joe Lewis)
- Co-Author "TaeKwonDo Grappling Techniques" with Dr. Tony Kemerly
- Trained multiple U.S. and World Title Kickbox fighters
- Trained multiple National and World Champion TaeKwonDo competitors
- Trained World Champion Brazilian JiuJitsu competitors
- 4th Degree Black Belt (Robson Moura Brazilian JiuJitsu)-
7th Degree Black Belt (Tiger Rock Martial Arts)
- 7th Degree Black Belt (Joe Lewis Kickboxing)
- 6th Degree Black Belt (Superfoot Wallace Kickboxing)
Robson Moura, also known as “Robinho”, is one of the greatest competitors in jiu jitsu’s super featherweight division, a weight class he dominated for years achieving 6 world titles in his career. After retiring (unofficially) from his competitive career, Robson Moura dedicated his full attention to his coaching activities in the United States where he developed his own association RMNU (Robson Moura – Nations United) one of the most respected grappling affiliations in the US.
Robson Moura was born on the 23rdof March 1978 in Brazil. He started training Jiu-Jitsu very early in life, when he was just 10 years old with his father’s backing. His very first instructor was Ailson “Jucao” Brites in his hometown of Teresópolis, which is located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Robson wanted to follow the footsteps of his BJJ idols, so he started training 2 and 3 times per day and competed for the first time in a local competition when he was only 13 years of age.
Unforeseen circumstances had “Jucao” moving away from Teresópolis, leaving “Robinho” without a coach. This however did not detour Moura from his path to becoming a Jiu-Jitsu black belt. With the BJJ bug already fully installed in him he sought out the best lightweight team in the World at the time, the famous Nova Uniao led by André Pederneiras and Wendell Alexander. This new partnership proved to be very fruitful as Robson kept on winning tournaments left and right, culminating this great period with a fantastic win at the World Championships in 1996 as a purple belt.
Going against the minimum time frame guidelines approved by the Jiu-Jitsu Federation, his coaches decided to promote Robson Moura to black belt, at 18 years of age, the following year to compete at the highest level possible, the Mundials (World Championships). Robinho did not disappoint winning the tournament in amazing fashion.
During the following years, this Nova Uniao prodigy had successive wins in the Mundial and lots of other important championships like the CBJJO (World Cup). Moura is known for his innovative style and ever-evolving technique in the world of jiu-jitsu. He won his division in the BJJ Mundials from 1996 through 2000. He is recognized by the IBJJF, CBJJF & CBJJO.
He stopped competing for a few years in an attempt to establish the RMNU association in the United States. Robson had already some well-established schools in Brazil, being his Ribeirao Preto academy the most famous one, but decided the USA was the future of the sport and embarked on the project of building a successful academy there.
After establishing his school, Robson decided to have another stab at the World Championship Gold Medal, it had been 5 years since his last attempt but Moura and his amazing technique came through as he won the 2007 Gold. Not only is Robinho a master competitor, but he is also a successful coach being Augusto Cruz and Ricardo Abreu his most acknowledged standouts.
In addition to his position as Head Instructor at RMNU Headquarters in Tampa, Florida, Moura directs additional academies in Brazil that are run by his black belt instructors. Moura travels frequently across the country sharing his knowledge and experience with other Jiu-Jitsu players. In 2008, he established the Robson Moura Association, with over 45 affiliates around the world. He continues to compete, recently winning his division at the Rickson Gracie Invitational, and competing at Polaris and the Abu Dhabi World Pro in 2016.

BJJ High Point is under Robson Moura, RMNU Association. BJJ High Point has instructors who are operating Brazilian JiuJitsu programs under the full supervision of Steve Snyder. These instructors receive regular training, promotions in rank, and follow by a set of strict guidelines set by Steve Snyder and RMNU.